When Will My Child’s First Tooth Come In?

Find out more about the dental milestones that your child will experience as they get older.

Nothing is more exciting than watching your little one grow up, and as your child ages it’s important that you know a little something Childabout their oral health and development so that you can turn to our Milton, MA family dentists, Drs. John and Patrick Murphy and Dr. Natalie Shlosman at the Murphy Dental Group, if an issue ever arises.

It’s actually pretty normal for children between the ages of four to six months old to get their first tooth. This can be an exciting time for you, but it can also be a rather uncomfortable time for your little one. While teething is a milestone in your child’s life, there are some things you can do to make the process a bit easier.

How can you reduce teething pain?

If your child becomes increasingly restless or fussy then this might be a sign of teething. This usually starts at six months of age and goes to about three years old. But one thing you can do is to make sure your child has a teething ring or something safe to chew on. You can even place the teeth rings in the freezer to help numb their sore gums.

If this doesn’t seem to ease your child’s pain, you can also check with your Milton dentists to see if there are other ways to ease the teething process.

How do I care for my child’s teeth?

Even before teeth start to erupt, you can still care for their mouths. Use a wet washcloth or gauze pad to softly rub your child’s gums to keep them clean.

Once your child’s first tooth comes in, another set of teeth is usually not far behind. Now you can use the wet washcloth to clean the tooth after meals and before they go to bed. You can also opt for a pediatric toothbrush as long as you wet the bristles first and use no more than a dollop of toothpaste that is about the size of a grain of rice. If you aren’t sure which kind of dental products are safe to use on your growing baby, don’t hesitate to ask us!

Once your little one’s first tooth appears it’s time they visited our Milton, MA dental office for their first checkup. The sooner you get them started seeing the dentist the better. Turn to Murphy Dental Group to give your family the dental care they deserve.

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